Pandemic Plan Development
Disaster Recovery Program Development (Roadmap)
Why do you need a DR program roadmap
A DR program is not a one-time effort, it is an on-going journey. Experience shows that clients who build strong DR foundations, and establish a solid DR program, have a much better business and IT resilient DR solution, with far less effort. The DR roadmap is a very important building block for any DR program. It will allow you to develop a holistic end-to-end, cost-effective and long-term DR program.
Who benefits from having DR program roadmap
Enterprises and small companies that want to have an effective and sustainable DR solution
Companies in all DR maturity levels;
Companies with no DR solutions and capabilities
Companies that are not sure what their actual DR capabilities are
Companies with partial DR solutions and capabilities
Companies with full DR solutions and capabilities
Companies that are involved with Mergers and Acquisitions
With Uptime Resiliency Consulting, you get 20+ years of experience with a variety of companies & industries in the DR area, to build a solid, cost effective DR program roadmap
Uptime Resiliency Consulting DR roadmap:
Address different production topologies in order to standardize the DR program and solution:
Single production data centre
Multiple production data centers
Global operations with data centers across the globe
Cloud data centers
Hybrid data centers (on premise and cloud)
DRaaS (DR as a Service) and Managed service DR
Roadmap sample areas: DR scope, requirements, strategies, integration with business continuity plans, exercise, and many other important and critical areas.
Relevant automation and orchestration tools
Share global experience in the resiliency area from a variety of industries and companies
Sharing DR Industry good and bad practices
Make or Buy options: Managed Service, DRaaS and DIY (Do It Yourself) solutions
Follow Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII) methodology